30 commentaires

  1. Timothy Reth a dit:

    Thank you sooooo much!!! If i had money i would give it all to you!!! My
    freind « Pranked » Me by doing the exact issue in the video and it kept
    opening a new notepad every 10 seconds! Thank you soooo much! Nothing else
    i tried worked and i nearly just trashed my laptop! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

    17 décembre 2014
  2. Abi Prasad a dit:

    Like this page

    17 décembre 2014
  3. Grant Bessey a dit:

    Will this work if it opens in other programs or just notepad! its doing it
    for this program called foobar that converts soundfiles to mp3. If this
    video will work for that would somone help me?

    17 décembre 2014
  4. BridgeWowDah a dit:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’ve been having trouble with this for about a year now
    and it’s finally fixed. Thanks again.

    17 décembre 2014
  5. 6AOM a dit:

    If your shortcuts are opening with notepad, and this method still doesn’t
    work, instead of using the .exe fix that he is talking about do the .lnk
    one instead, I had this problem and I tried .exe and it didn’t work, so I
    did .lnk (.lnk is the shortcut extension, which is why I tried it because I
    was having trouble with shortcuts). Hope this helped.

    17 décembre 2014
  6. Online N00B a dit:

    Ive been had this problem like 2-3 years.. And i am been so lazy and too
    tired to fix this.. Finaly here i found someone who helped me in this
    problem, thank you too much ;3 C:

    17 décembre 2014
  7. mathieu maillet a dit:

    idk if you can help me but can you PLZ tell me how to change a .xml
    (notepad) to wtv it was before cause if i don’t it keeps crashing my brand
    new game cause its supposed to be an image or something so it wont work
    with notepad (i have windows 8)

    17 décembre 2014
  8. Alex Kaminia a dit:

    what about srt files opening with notepad? .srt is not on the list.

    17 décembre 2014
  9. splaterpus23 a dit:

    Thank you so much!!!! Now my mum won’t kill me haha :) <3

    17 décembre 2014
  10. Aaron Wagner a dit:

    Tank you. I tried otherways recommendet b the Windows support, but editing
    the registry Bytes my self didnt work.Thanks you a lot

    17 décembre 2014
  11. Mario G a dit:

    dude you’re a life saver, thank you very much!!

    17 décembre 2014
  12. soutman110 a dit:

    I was infected with a virus like 2 days ago, and now everytime I download a
    program it has no icon, can someone pls help me out?

    17 décembre 2014
  13. Minu Akter a dit:

    my « administrator:c:windowssystem32cmd.exe » is not opening……….!!!

    17 décembre 2014
  14. Austin Juggan a dit:

    help my programs still open in notepad!! I clicked on the exe registry
    editor and I changed the registry everything opens in notepad still please
    help I don’t want to have to get my laptop wiped!

    17 décembre 2014
  15. cmandoom a dit:

    Thank you you are a saint!

    17 décembre 2014
  16. husain alayashi a dit:

    Okay, that fixed one problem. I still have another, and where is the .jar
    files fixed?

    17 décembre 2014
  17. Bobby Richardson a dit:

    it says acsess denied

    17 décembre 2014
  18. greysymphonyearth a dit:

    You’re a life saver. Thanks a million good sir. 

    17 décembre 2014
  19. Tiran Wickrmasinghe a dit:

    This was really helpful. Thanks for sharing this :)

    17 décembre 2014
  20. Agent Games a dit:

    it didnt work for me ):

    17 décembre 2014
  21. verge gonzaga a dit:

    it helps me a lot . thank you :)

    17 décembre 2014
  22. MinecraftmanUSA a dit:

    To get into google chrome, even when everything was bugged out, all I did
    was go to google chrome properties and open the file location. The google
    chrome can still be opened there.

    17 décembre 2014
  23. DrawCraft a dit:

    Hi, I have been trying to download .jar files but it turns to a notepad
    document. I don’t know how to fix this I need help.

    18 décembre 2014
  24. abirneji a dit:

    Thanks it worked

    18 décembre 2014
  25. The Wesmiester a dit:

    Nope nothing changed at all. All my shortcuts are still notepad files I
    could always load up exe files but not shortcuts and still all shortcuts
    are notepad even if I create new shortcuts

    18 décembre 2014
  26. oskar deka a dit:

    nice wsong

    18 décembre 2014
  27. MRgamingchannel6 a dit:


    18 décembre 2014
  28. alarkcrabby76 a dit:


    18 décembre 2014
  29. MRgamingchannel6 a dit:

    np :)

    18 décembre 2014
  30. 1970gamer a dit:

    Life saver thanks

    18 décembre 2014

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