InfoNiveau: DébutantPrésentateur: Eli Guy informatiqueDate de création: 14 Septembre, 2010Longueur de la classe: 35 MinutesRailsLinuxConditions préalablesIntroduction à LinuxInstallation LinuxTâches de base LinuxBut de la classeCette classe enseigne aux étudiants comment modifier les fichiers de configuration dans Linux en utilisant l’éditeur de texte Vim.Sujets abordésVIM partirModification de fichiersRecherche dans les dossiersOuverture, enregistrement et fichiers QuitterBillets de catégorieIntroductionAucune .txt – aucune association de fichierVIM partirSudo vim XXX (ouvre un fichier, ou crée un fichier)Sudo – parfois vous avez besoin, parfois pas … si vous l’utilisez, il fonctionnera toujours …Pour changer la propriété d’un fichier (Parfois requis pour modifier les fichiers .ini et de configuration) – fichier utilisateur chown SudoMontage et navigationa = insert, esc = sortie insert: / = Trouver (utiliser des jokers): /? = Trouver arrièren = prochaineQuitter et sauver: Q = quit: Q! = Quitter sans enregistrer: Wq = enregistrer et quitter: E = fichier ouvert: W = enregistrer en tant queFinal Thoughts …Très compliqué … Beaucoup d’options … ceux-ci sont assez bon pour commencer ….RessourcesVim Site Web: http://www.vim.org/Manuel de Vim: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/vimum.html
Note Vidéo: 4/5
Eli love you bro, but dang, you repeat everything…lots. Whew. :-)
Thank you Eli, this is awesome. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Hi, as you know, You are Genius and you are my favorite man in this world
after Steve Jobs…
Your All Videos are soo simple and so helpful for me… I want to be a
Linux Administrator…
I Just watched this video and learned as good…
I want to about writing scripts by vim…
So, help me…
Hope you’ll help me as soon… I also followed you in
11:48 « ..there are no file associations.. » Would not some of the files that
we would be editing as administrators have file extensions for the programs
to know what to do with them as well? So, it is a rule not to have them or
just this file that you are making in this tutorial… Of course I have not
watched passed this point at this time.
Thank you so much for the videos so far! Learning lots!
Thank you very much,the tutorial is pretty easy to understand even for a
Chinese student who isn’t familiar with English and IT.
eli, dood, ur awesome!
You have to use q! to exit if you have altered the document in any way
before exiting. If you haven’t altered the document and want to quit, q
will work. Pressing q! will not save your changes though; to do that you
have to use wq.
Sorry, and I know you are trying to make it easy for people to get into
editing system files but, telling the user to change the owner of system
files to their user is really … unorthodox.
lawd… I love his beard….
best 35 minutes of my life besides installing arch. Thanks for this great
vim tutorial, makes me feel better about using it.
Thank you mate you are great teacher.
Nano rules :p
:X save and quit also.
Is it just me, or does he look like Shane from the « Walking Dead »
Em… I don’t think it’s a good idea to instruct people to « always use
sudo ». That’s essentially running as a root user all of the time. It’s true
that you need to be a root user for configuration file editing… but
that’s not (and shouldn’t be) a general case. Unless it’s specifically
necessary, users should not run as root because it’s unsafe and could break
something… There are plenty of things (most?) you might use vim for which
don’t require root.
thanks Eli !
im sorry, but though file associations are a little weird in linux, you can
still have a filetype that will be associated with a program. either that
or double clicking a png is black magic.
good thanks
It just doesn’t feel like a Linux tutorial without being patronised, talked
down to and shouted at :-)
I can’t believe 10 minutes have passed and you didn’t say anything about
Best teacher Eli!
Vim for Editing Files in Linux:http://youtu.be/ImK_dHPOTIE
You are much more sophisticated than the vim, seriously you have done a
really great job by providing the learning pack for the common people,
thanks alot
You are much more sophisticated than the vim, seriously you have done a
really great job by providing the learning pack for the common people,
thanks alot
Fan boys are the exception not the rule. They just tend to be more vocal.
Your the restarted one to think Linux users give a shit which editor anyone
uses. You spend too much time on forums like your own. You do come up with
some nice information in your video’s however like how to use VIM here.
Please just leave out the stupid snarcky commentary-it’s boring.